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September 13, 2012

Basic Rule of Chess (Very Important Rules)

This is not something about Rules of Chess pieces. This is about how to capture a Square. As we all know that in Checkers we have to jump over a piece to remove(Cut) a piece. Always we are travelling in diagonal directions. But in Chess we have pieces which can Jump & which can't Jump. The process of removing a enemy piece is not depending on Jump or not Jump.

We have to get the control of occupation on Square. That means if we need to remove any enemy piece in any Square we have to move our chess piece into that Square. And remove the enemy piece & keep your piece instead. Captured or Removed piece will be out from the Board.

a Chess piece movements
Only Knight can jump over pieces. Other pieces has to move horizontally, vertically or diagonally. When they are travelling the Road should be clear. There should not be any pieces from either yours or opponents. If you found any and if that piece is your you maximum distance will be End before that Chess piece. But if the piece is your Enemy's one They either you can capture the piece & conquer that Square or you just stay below maximum Distance.

Other special Rule is that it is not necessary to capture enemy piece even we have a chance. That means it is not mandatory to capture or Cut enemy piece when you have chance. But in Checker it is a must to Cut or remove enemy piece. That is not true in Chess. This is an special feature in Chess. Normally we Defend rather than capturing as first Step.

In above image Queen can't travel beyond Knight position & Max distance will be Knights Square in that Direction. But White Queen can stop in any Square under blue Arrow. since no pieces are blocking her road.



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