April 30, 2013

Pawn Fork Tips

In a Chess Game pawn is minimum valued piece and so many of player juts forget of pawn’s power until he was in fork attack. Due to this low cost idea & slow movement so many players will not see any threat from pawn. But keep in mind that pawn is very powerful with this pawn fork technique. I’ll explain few patterns which can be help to identify & how we can proceed with pawn forks. Here is a very simple pawn attack. you can see...

February 20, 2013

Chess Fork

In a Chess game we have a special tactic called FORK. Fork is a technique which a single chess piece attacks two or more chess pieces simultaneously. Most of the time we called this tactic is double attack. The reason behind is that is most of the cases fork happens attacking 2 chess pieces. But in some cases for can be happen on more than 2 chess pieces. Attacking chess piece is called by FKORKING chess piece & attacked are called by FORCKED...

January 9, 2013


Checkmate is a state in a Chess game. Only one player can be Checkmate at a time means that both players can't be in Checkmate states same time. Player who is under Checkmate state is a looser of the game. Delivering checkmate is the ultimate goal in a chess Game. Checkmate state is a position of a chess game & in this position one player's King is Directly attacked by other payer's Chess pieces. First payer don't have any legal movement to...