Showing posts with label Chess Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chess Tips. Show all posts

April 30, 2013

Pawn Fork Tips

In a Chess Game pawn is minimum valued piece and so many of player juts forget of pawn’s power until he was in fork attack. Due to this low cost idea & slow movement so many players will not see any threat from pawn. But keep in mind that pawn is very powerful with this pawn fork technique. I’ll explain few patterns which can be help to identify & how we can proceed with pawn forks.

Here is a very simple pawn attack. you can see that 2 Chess knights are in a row number 4 and locations e4 & g4. Now these 2 knights are going to be forked by f2 pawn. Just  a single step forward will make a very simple but powerful pawn fork attack.

Here is the Theory:
In any rank(row), when 2 chess pieces are standing with a gap of exactly 1 block apart from each other There is a possibility to get pawn attack.

Don’t keep chess pieces in a single row without any protection.
Don’t keep Chess knights  in a single row when enemy pawns are close enough.  

If you are in a pawn fork try to find a Check by using forked chess pieces.
Try to capture any other chess pieces by using forked chess pieces.
Try to get out one forked chess piece & place a attacking position on major chess piece like Queen or Rook.

Don’t make a pawn fork unless you can’t make a profit of it. Profit means that by time or points.

Sometimes we can’t find a pawn fork situation but doing small adjustment we can have it. I’ll explain how that can done in next article.

February 20, 2013

Chess Fork

In a Chess game we have a special tactic called FORK. Fork is a technique which a single chess piece attacks two or more chess pieces simultaneously. Most of the time we called this tactic is double attack. The reason behind is that is most of the cases fork happens attacking 2 chess pieces. But in some cases for can be happen on more than 2 chess pieces. Attacking chess piece is called by FKORKING chess piece & attacked are called by FORCKED chess pieces.

Major and most Common fork chess piece is Chess knight. When a Chess knight is moving all player should aware of forking situations. So it is bit hard to get forked by knight since all players aware of fork master.  Then we used Chess pawn for this tactic. We can use all chess pieces for fork attacks. But we get more chance or more benefit if we can use lower rank chess pieces for forking process. 

Knight fork is very powerful tactic and that may cause huge damage to the opponent like losing Queen or Rook.  Most of the time is one of the forked chess piece will be King. So we have to scarify major chess pieces to protect King. Also there are few techniques which can be useful to overcome fork situation. But that is more or less depending on the game plan.  

Queen fork is more valuable in end game situation. When we have more space in the chess board we can use Queen to attack unprotected chess pieces by making Check to King.

In Above image shows how powerful Knight Fork is. Opponent will lose Queen and Rook by few forks.

There will be few articles about Fork Tips in near future with images & steps. This article is only for basic understanding of Chess fork. 

October 23, 2012

All Chess pieces in a Single page with their own movement patterns

Chess Guide:

This article will explain all Chess pieces in a Single page with their own movement patterns. All in One Style.
If you are interesting with more details please Click on the below link. That has more information about each of the them.

October 22, 2012

How I can select Color on a Chess Game?

This article will answer few FAQs related to color of the player from Chess beginners.

How I can play as Black Color?
How I can play as White Color?
Who is going to Start the Game?
Which Color will Start the Game?
It has a very simple Explanation:

There will be a draw before start the Game. Winner of the Draw will select the Color. If Winner has chosen White Then Looser will be black. Therefore Winner of the Draw will have authority to select the Color. That means Winner has the power to make First move or make opponent to make First Move.

White has to start the Game with First move.

How I can play as Black Color?
If you win the Draw invite to opponent to play first.

How I can play as White Color?
If you win the Draw just start to play first move.

Who is going to Start the Game?
White color player will start first move.

Which Color will Start the Game?
White color player will start first move.

Can I Skip a turn?
Nope. You must play on turn. If not time out will kick you.

What is the best move in Chess?
There is nothing called best move in Chess. All moves are very important.

Is there any time out for whole Game?
Yes it is. There won’t be any time out for Friends games.

Is there any time out for a move?
Nope. You can take any time. But it will cost you.

September 12, 2012

Chess King Castling (Special Move)

Chess King Castling 

In the Chess Game we have a special action called "Castling". for Castling we need to obey few rules. Chess Castling it used Chess King & Rook.We have 2 Rooks on the board & we can do Castling with any Rook. But we are allowed to do a single Castling process or a action for a game. Also this is only movement we can move 2 chess pieces together at-once. So this is really special movement. There are advantages & disadvantages in this process. Also this is not a mandatory action need to be perform on a Chess game.

In some Stories it says that Castling is the process which maps with Kings escape. That means King is jumping over the castle to other side. It describe a King is escaping from the Kingdom through castle when Enemy has got attacked. Anyway When castling happens both Rooks are same side & king is bit safe depending on the situation.

Here comes the Rules:

  • The king has not previously moved. Should be in Original Location.
  • The chosen rook has not previously moved.Should be in Original Location.
  • There are no pieces between the king and the chosen rook. Clear Road needed.
  • The king is not currently in check. No attack from enemy at the moment.
  • The king does not end up in check.For sure this should be.
  • The king does not pass through a square that is under attack by enemy pieces.
  • The king and the chosen rook are on the same Row.This is true with first 2 get True.
  • Rook can be under Attacked
Chess Castling
We have 2 type of castling. King side castling & Queen side castling. When we use King's Side Rook it is called King Side Castling &  when we use Queen's Side Rook it is called Queen Side Castling . In Both cases King will be move in 2 Squares distance. Different distance will be for Rooks. anyway King will be end up with c1 or g1 for White Player. This is clearly Describe on the image here. it shows both Black & White sides and King & Queen Side Castling.
In this game White is doing an castling in King side when rook Ge attacked by bishop as well. it is possible. Keep in mind that.This is major mistake doing by player by having wrong idea.

Only King should not be get attacked. 
