Chess Knight
Chess Knight is a chess piece on a Chess Board. Chess Knight also a very Special chess piece. It is describe as a Armed cavalry in King's Army. It is get shaped as a Horse Head in real world. Even though cavalry are the fastest unit in a real world it is bit different in a Chess Board. Anyway He is showing his Hidden attacks pattern even in Chess board as real World. Each player will get 2 Chess Knights in the beginning. White Knights are located on b1 & g1 and Blacks are located on b8 & g8 respectively.
Chess Knight has a Special move pattern. That is not horizontally nor Vertically niter. Also not diagonally. That is actually 2 Steps. First Step Knight jump 2 Square Distance Horizontally or Vertically. Then jump a single Square Distance to Left or Right. See the image Below. This is a Single movement. This explain Knight has a special movement pattern that all other Chess pieces.
White Knight in the image shows his attacking power. He can Attack in 8 positions. The most Special fact is that Knight is a Jumper. He will not care about other chess pieces on the Road. it needs to be Empty or Enemy's Chess pieces on any of doted Square He can travel without considering all other facts.
Chess Knight is used in fork Attacks in Chess board very Frequently. He is the Most popular attacker in for fork attacks. Whenever Knight comes to play into the ground we have to very careful with his fork attacks.
Knight has same price to a Chess Bishop. Knight has not a long range but bishop has that. Even though Bishop can cover only a single color and Half of the board. But Knight can reach to any square. But it may be too late.
Another special fact is that When a Knight make a Check it must move the King or it must capture that Knight. We can not block him attacking path. If we get a Check attack from a bishop or a Rook we can block those attacks by using any of chess piece without moving the King. But that is not happening with Knight Attacks.
Knight is the Only one who can challenge to the Queen. Queen can't attack back or capture Knight at once. Also keep in mind that Chess Knight is getting killed or trapped easily.