October 23, 2012

All Chess pieces in a Single page with their own movement patterns

Chess Guide: This article will explain all Chess pieces in a Single page with their own movement patterns. All in One Style. If you are interesting with more details please Click on the below link. That has more information about each of the them. Chess Pawn Chess Knight Chess Queen Chess Bishop Chess Rook Chess King ...

October 22, 2012

How I can select Color on a Chess Game?

This article will answer few FAQs related to color of the player from Chess beginners. How I can play as Black Color? How I can play as White Color? Who is going to Start the Game? Which Color will Start the Game? It has a very simple Explanation: There will be a draw before start the Game. Winner of the Draw will select the Color. If Winner has chosen White Then Looser will be black. Therefore Winner of the Draw will have authority to select the Color. That means Winner has the power to make First move or make opponent to make First...

October 6, 2012

Chess Pawn – (Chess pieces)

      Chess pawn is a Chess piece on a Chess board and know as the most weakest chess piece. This represent an infantry in Chathurangani Army. As old days soldiers are normally cheaper than officers. also the Chess pawn. Lowest Chess piece in a chess board. Due to this low cost we have 8 chess pawns in a Chess board on initial Stage for a player. So we have 16 chess pieces all together in First...

September 26, 2012

Chess Knight - (Chess pieces)

Chess Knight Chess Knight is a chess piece on a Chess Board. Chess Knight also a very Special chess piece. It is describe as a Armed cavalry in King's Army. It is get shaped as a Horse Head in real world. Even though cavalry are the fastest unit in a real world it is bit different in a Chess Board.  Anyway He is showing his Hidden attacks pattern even in Chess board as real World. Each player will get 2 Chess Knights in...

September 21, 2012

Chess Queen - (Chess pieces)

Chess Queen   Chess Queen is the most powerful chess piece in a Chess board. Actually She is a Combination of Rook & Bishop. So She can Travel through rows or Columns and Diagonally as well. Each player will have a Queen in the beginning of a game & She is next to the King. That is just as real World. Not Like King She owns her Color. That means her original or initial square is player's own Color. White Queen...

September 17, 2012

Chess Bishop - (Chess pieces)

Chess Bishop Bishop is a Chess Piece in a Chess board. There are 4 bishops in a chess board & each player has 2 bishops in the Start. White bishops are located in c1 & f1 and Black bishops are located in c8 & f8. One bishop is in between King & Knight & other one is in between Queen & Knight. So we called them as Advisers for King & Queen. Always next to them. Bishop is a special chess piece which can't reach all of...

September 13, 2012

Basic Rule of Chess (Very Important Rules)

This is not something about Rules of Chess pieces. This is about how to capture a Square. As we all know that in Checkers we have to jump over a piece to remove(Cut) a piece. Always we are travelling in diagonal directions. But in Chess we have pieces which can Jump & which can't Jump. The process of removing a enemy piece is not depending on Jump or not Jump. We have to get the control of occupation on Square. That means if we need...

September 12, 2012

Chess King Castling (Special Move)

Chess King Castling  In the Chess Game we have a special action called "Castling". for Castling we need to obey few rules. Chess Castling it used Chess King & Rook.We have 2 Rooks on the board & we can do Castling with any Rook. But we are allowed to do a single Castling process or a action for a game. Also this is only movement we can move 2 chess pieces together at-once. So this is really special movement. There are advantages...

September 11, 2012

Chess Rook - (Chess pieces)

Chess Rook Chess Rook is a major piece in a Chess board and very powerful in End Game. In General we called it "Castle".  Rook is joining with the King for Castling process which is a special move in Chess game. That is the Only move we use in Chess which moves 2 chess pieces at-once. In a Chess board it has 4 Rooks which are 2 White & 2 Black in colors. White Rook original locations are a1 & h1 and Black rook original locations...

September 10, 2012

Chess King - (Chess pieces)

Chess King King is the most important chess pieces in a chess board. There are 2 kings in a Chess board & each belongs to each player. A player who plays White will has a white king & player who plays black will has a black King. Although King is the most important piece in a chess board it is very weak piece. Normally Chess King has a Cross on top of the piece as in the image. Also normally King is the tallest chess piece in a Chess...

September 9, 2012

Chess Board Details (Positions, Coordinates)

Description  A Chess Board contains 64 squares and arranged in 8 X 8 (eight-by-eight) grid. It is shown in the image. it starts from a to h in bottom & 1 to 8 from left side. This is called "algebraic chess notation". By using these 2 digits it can identify each square uniquely. For Example: a1 is the left- bottom corner square. h1 is the right-bottom corner. a8 is left top corner Always coordinates...

September 8, 2012

History of chess – Chess Origin

Chess History is driven for 1500 years back. It was origin in India. There was a Empire called Gupta & History says that He was the man who used Chess in Wars. Anyway Chess has a very old History. After India Chess had spread over to Europe with Muslims. It was 15th century. Then modern chess tournament has Started on 19th century. And the first world Chess Championship was held in 1886. There is a story with the origin related to this chess...

September 7, 2012

What is Chess?

Chess is a board game & can be played by 2 players. Chess is one of the world’s most popular game. is a Normally we called that board as Chessboard & it contains 64 squares and arranged in 8 X 8 (eight-by-eight) grid. It is almost same as checker board only difference is that the size. Most of people play Chess for Fun. Now it has become to play tournaments  Chess was originated in India and it is an ancient strategy game. (Chess...

Welcome Chess Guide

This will be a Chess guide for Beginners. It will move with series of articles related to chess playing. Mostly for Newcomers & Beginners. Also there will be some articles about Chess History. How it has begun & how it has developed. Current situation about Chess & World Ranking the Places you can play Chess online & Free. What will be the basic Rules & Trip & Tricks will be a bit of large sections which flow through with several articles. Hello Chess History How to play Chess Basic Requirements Advanced Topics Most popular...